Sunday, November 27, 2011


First I was nothing, just another weak seed
Went about alone, ignored my distant need
Just a single light, drifted on my own
Never knew what I, later would become
A black and ripping future, of dark I became afraid
Cried for months and years, the final brick was laid
Another year went by, took away all I feared
My newly shell was luminous, my new thoughts so severe

I kept myself in the open, I kept the dices in my hand
This was the new beginning, this was my neverland
My mind got all so greedy, my lust it topped the glass
I swept the floor with pieces, of my inconsistent mess
Craved for all the small bangs, I recieved a grand explosion
Twisted and twurled reality, lost focus on my devotion
Then another dawn came, and it laid my mind at ease
Once again I made up, for the mistakes that stole my peace

And so I worked for a better innovision
Lost some f(r) iends but it was all my decision
I came, I saw, I conquered my past
The light in the tunnel was visiable at last
The change was so big that they all lost bliss
My love said goodnight, and recieved her last kiss
And so I was nothing, just another weak seed
As I walked alone with a wound to bleed

I met some new binders, I heard their voice
They said I'll forget, that I had a choice
And showed me a spark, a small-narrowed path
That I would arise and leave this gap
I lost my sense, they took it away
I'll never forgive that the light made me stay
A better beginning, a newborn hope
A bigger picture, you throwed me the rope.

'Two roads to choose, both have a sky so blue.
I think I'll choose the one, that begins with me and you.'

copyright ©

Monday, May 18, 2009

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